

Dear Taylor,

I am your devoted admirer from Finland, right here on the borderlands of Russia. I'm not sure

if the location really matters, but we are a small nation of just over five million people under

Russia's shadow, and we have experienced Russia's cruelty several times throughout history.

I have written three books, and they tell not only of cruelty but also of love and everything

related to human life.

I've dedicated this trilogy—'The Trilogy of Humanity'—to your song 'Blank Space' (songwriters: Taylor Swift / Max Martin / Johan Shellback).

So it's gonna be forever, or...


The parts of this trilogy:

Part 1: Under the Orange Tree. This is a different kind of detective story. In the first

part of the trilogy, we meet social media star Katariina and her identical twin sister,

Liina, who is a psychiatrist. The theme of this book is racism. It explores why we must

not let fear take control.

Part 2: Run Wild, Child. The theme of this book is religion and how it often treats people

harshly. In the name of religion, one person mistreats another.

Part 3: If You Had Looked at Me. The final book's theme is love. What can love drive

a person to do? The consequences can be catastrophic, yet people cannot help but

love. This part is a celebration of love and its creative power. It touches upon birth, death, and all of life in between"

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